As it is an algae, it has nutrients of plant origin, which is why it is an ideal food for vegetarians and vegans, especially those who are low on energy or need to raise their defenses, thanks to the fact that organic chlorella is capable of: Improving the energy acting from different sources, this is how you can: Raise your hemoglobin levels, to avoid decay due to lack of adequate oxygenation to each organ, which is what happens when we have anemia or low hemoglobin. Prevents aging, this is because when aging appears, we can lose physical and mental energy, so its antioxidants will act to optimize the use of oxygen from each cell, keeping you alert and active. Improve mood, thanks to amino acids, which act to strengthen the functions of the nervous system. Improve the immune system, because viruses, infections and different types of flu are one of the reasons why we can appear constantly exhausted. Do you know how much it costs to recover your energies after a virus? Well, organic chlorella is an excellent option to keep you healthy and full of energy. In addition, chlorella algae is capable of keeping you satiated and helping to eliminate heavy metals from your body, making it an excellent option for you to be healthy, energized and in a good mood, every day Recommended Dosage: Start the First Week taking 1-3 Teaspoons a day, and From the Second Week Increase to a Total of 2-3 Teaspoons a Day.