Life saver for my not always so cooperative bowel
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Rich in fiber, it acts effectively and gently: rhubarb helps maintain regular intestinal transit , tamarind is recognized for promoting intestinal transit through a mechanical action and fig helps regulate intestinal rhythm.
How to use:
This product is not a candy but a food supplement based on rhubarb, tamarind and fig that have a significant physiological action on intestinal transit.
Take 1 cube at night with a large glass of water. Depending on your personal sensitivity, the ideal dosage may vary between ½ and 2 cubes. Do not administer to children under 12 years of age. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding without medical advice.
Results may vary from person to person. Customer reviews are independent and do not represent the views of Carethy.
Life saver for my not always so cooperative bowel
A very good product.
Excellent physiological action that does very well for the intestinal transit.
Exclente food supplement, I think it's working, I'm doing very well.
Good complement of fruits and fibers that acts very effectively in the intestine.
Estas capsulas contribuyen a una buena salud intestinal, me siento muy bien.
Ausgezeichnetes Faserprodukt, um besser ins Badezimmer zu gehen, es geht sehr gut.
Ich nehme es, um den Darmtrakt aufrechtzuerhalten, es funktioniert gut für mich.
Para mi un cubo es mucho, tomo medio y asi es suficiente, me funciona muy bien.
A acção mecânica do intestino é mais rápida e saudável com a toma destas cápsulas.
Ho capito bene ma funziona troppo, ho la diarrea. Il miglior prodotto
Non solo mi aiuta ad andare in bagno facilmente, ma mi aiuta anche a rafforzare la mia salute intestinale.
Ich bin sehr gut mit diesem Produkt, das mir hilft, das Tempo zu regulieren.
Tomaba un cubo entero todos los dias pero ahora tomo medio cubo y asi me funciona .
La qualité est incroyable, le prix est bas, je l'ai eu rapidement et en parfait état.
Ajuda a facilitar o trânsito intestinal, este produto regula o trânsito, funciona muito bem para mim.
Graças a este produto sinto-me confortável no meu intestino, funciona bem e recomendo-o.
Je n'ai plus de problèmes dans l'intestin grâce à ce produit, satisfait de l'achat.
Bon prix pour ce produit qui me favorise très bien. Le meilleur produit
Siempre lo compro por que me funciona muy bien, rapido envio.
Tomo un cubo por la noche todas las noches y asi me siento muy bien.
Felice con l'acquisto di questo prodotto perché non soffro più di andare in bagno.