- StimulRED ENERSHOT® has been formulated to provide those necessary nutrients that will help you optimize performance during high-intensity exercise.
- Knowing the nutritional needs of athletes, the NutriSport Technical Department has developed the appropriate combination of ingredients that will improve the physical capacity of the triathlete by acting on the delay of muscular fatigue, the prevention of cramps, the improvement of neuromuscular activity, the optimization of energy metabolism and, therefore, improvement of performance
- ENERSHOT completes its formula with other ingredients such as Choline Citrate and D-glucuronolactone that act synergistically with the rest.
- In addition, its formulation stands out for the absence of sugars allowing an energetic-stimulating contribution without the need to alter the glycemia values of the athlete, something that is of great importance.
- For those who take care of their nutrition during exercise in order to achieve the best result both in training and in competition.