Amino acids are essential for life, used by the body to build proteins. Proteins are necessary to form cells and are part of the chemical structure of hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and antibodies. Taurine is an organic acid involved in the formation of bile, found naturally in small amounts in the tissues of many living beings (including humans) and therefore in various foods. It is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine containing the thiol group; it is the only known natural sulfonic acid. Its name derives from the Latin word taurus (meaning bull) because it was first isolated from bull bile in 1827 by German scientists Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelin. It differs from most other amino acids in that it is not incorporated into proteins, but exists as a free amino acid in most animal tissues and is one of the most abundant amino acids where there is high electrical activity, such as in the eyes, brain, muscles, heart, platelets, and developing nervous system. There is evidence that it serves as a neurotransmitter (a chemical messenger for the nervous system), a regulator of salt and water balance (osmoregulation) within cells, and a stabilizer of cell membranes, as taurine has been shown to play an important role in changing some membrane properties, such as fluidity, the transport capacity of some ions, and regulating the activity of some membrane-bound enzymes, as well as maintaining membrane potential and intracellular pH. It participates in the detoxification of foreign chemicals and is also involved in the production and action of bile. Specs: Code: 8P060-60. Use: Take one to three capsules daily.