Dental and gum problems? Bad breath? Lactoflora® oral health is formulated with 1,000 million live lactobacilli and pediococci isolated from the oral mucosa of healthy individuals and vitamin D3. It helps to maintain the microflora of the oral cavity, contributing to the proper maintenance of teeth under normal conditions. Because? is the oral microbiota important? The bacterial flora found in the oral environment is one of the keys to proper oral health. Bad eating habits, tobacco consumption or poor oral hygiene are usually the main cause of dental and gum problems, so correct oral hygiene is of vital importance in these cases. Oral health can be influenced by the bacterial flora that we find in the mouth and the use of lactic ferments could help to restore its balance. Lactoflora Oral Health is formulated with live lactic ferments, specifically Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus plantarum and vitamin D that contribute to the maintenance of teeth under normal conditions and contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system. In addition, Vitamin D contributes to promoting the mineralization of the teeth and is very important for dental health.