100%Klamath® is a dietary supplement containing AFA blue-green microalgae, rich in vital substances: a high protein content, B vitamins, a balanced amino acid profile and a broad spectrum of minerals, in addition to a high percentage of chlorophyll. Produced by Klamath Valley Botanicals, they are harvested from Klamath Lake in Oregon. Their harvesting and preparation are carefully controlled to ensure the highest quality of the final product. For drying, we use “BioActive Dehydration Drying” technology, a low-temperature drying process to preserve the freshness and nutritional value of the product to the maximum. Microalgae are single-celled organisms that originated millions of years ago and are responsible for between 80 and 90% of the planet's total food and oxygen supply. Microalgae obtain their energy through the process of photosynthesis. Microalgae photosynthesis made it possible for Earth's atmosphere to reach its current oxygen-rich state and for life to develop on land. What are Blue-Green Algae (AFA)? Blue-green algae (AFA) (Aphanizomenon flos aquae) is a type of microalgae that grows wild in Klamath Lake, Oregon (USA). Due to the volcanic eruption of Mount Mazama 7,700 years ago, which created the famous Crater Lake north of Klamath Lake, its waters contain an exceptional wealth of minerals. Once harvested, the algae are carefully dried and processed with extreme care, using the most modern production methods to preserve as much of their nutrients as possible. Klamath® Blue-Green Algae (AFA) contains all its nutrients in an organic and therefore highly absorbable form. It offers vital substances: B vitamins, especially B12 and B9, vitamin C, a balanced profile of all amino acids (8 essential and 12 nonessential), and a broad spectrum of minerals. It contains iodine, a highly important trace element, as well as beta-carotene and chlorophyll. Blue-green algae (AFA) are unique among edible algae in that they also metabolize molecular nitrogen from the air to produce their proteins and other nitrogen-containing biomolecules. Their cell walls are soft, making them easily digestible by the body. This allows for rapid absorption of vital nutrients, with a 95% assimilation rate. AFA Blue-Green Algae is a food with a very rich nutrient profile. It contains B vitamins and minerals such as fluoride and iodine. It is especially recommended for athletes, the elderly, people following restrictive or cleansing diets, and anyone looking to strengthen their diet. Bottle with 90 tablets of 400mg Bottle with 180 tablets of 400mg How to use: 4 to 6 tablets a day (1.6-2.4g) or as recommended by an expert.