- 100% coverage. - Intense color up to 5 weeks. - Strong and shiny hair. - Younger hair. - With grape seed oil and provitamin B5.
The new Color Advance Color & Repair offers you a professional-quality permanent color that will provide you with an intense and long-lasting color, and extra care, restoring youth and softness to your hair . Formulated with innovative ingredients such as Provitamin B5 and Grape seed oil . Grape seed oil contains Vitamin E and a high content of essential fatty oils such as Omega 6 and Omega 3.
Provitamin B5 is a precursor molecule of vitamin B5, acts as a hair moisturizer , coats the hair fiber and adds shine . This formula gives you the benefits to look younger and healthier hair. Get hair protection during and after coloring, and softness and shine for stronger hair.
Quantity 75 ml
Color 3 Castaño Oscuro , 5 Castaño Claro , 6 Rubio Oscuro , 8 Rubio Claro , 7,34 Rubio Dorado Cobrizo , 7 Rubio Medio , 6,6 Caoba Rojo Intenso , 2,10 Negro Azulado , 4 Castaño Medio , 8,3 Rubio Claro Dorado , 8,1 Rubio Claro Ceniza , 6,1 Rubio Oscuro Ceniza , 7,3 Rubio Medio , 9,1 Rubio Claro , 6,34 Rubio Oscuro Dorado , 9,1 Rubio Claro Claro Ceniza , 5,34 Castaño Claro Dorado Cobrizo , 9,3 Rubio Claro Dorado , 8,4 Cobrizo Claro , 5,6 Caoba , 4,2 Borgoña , 10 Rubio Muy Claro , 7,77 Marron Glace , 7,43 Cobrizo Medio Dorado , 7,1 Rubio Medio ceniza , 7,3 Rubio Medio Dorado , 9 Rubio Claro Claro , 1 Black , 5.3 Light Brown Golden , 6.34 Dark Copper Gold Blonde , 10 Very Light Blond Lightener , 011 Extra Light Natural Blonde , 5.25 Chocolate Brown , 6.24 Macadamia Brown , 4.15 Chocolate Ice Cream , 6.4 Dark Copper